

发布时间: 2024-05-08 23:04:51北京青年报社官方账号

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"But the Emperor has nothing at all on!" said a little child in Andersen's tale. Fiction can represent certain truths, truths often more apparent to those who have yet to be fully tarnished by tales told by those who choose to oppress or create fear in order to justify their own existence. For what greater purpose does government serve than to protect? And what need for protection unless there are enemies at the gate who threaten our ways of thinking, being? Even when these ways have gone astray.


"China is on our agenda, so we will go to China in due course. And there you will have the entire product portfolio," said Manfred Fitzgerald, executive vice-president and global head of the Genesis Brand.


"China is a world leader in Internet of Things equipment. Constructing a smart city like this would require a lot of such supplies that they can provide." The Internet of Things is the data exchange network that links different appliances, devices and systems infrastructure.


"China is fast transforming into a knowledge economy, with high tech, healthcare, and consumer sectors growing extremely fast. We are confident that many cutting-edge technology firms from Europe will find a big market in China," said Sue Wang, the president's assistant at Beijing SkyoceanCombplus Technology, an accelerator.


"China has made significant progress in technological research and development as well as industrial applications. The rapid development further integrates AI to electronic terminals and is reshaping a wide range of sectors, including home appliances, robots, healthcare, education, finance and agriculture," Hao said.


